My mission is to facilitate healthy gaming and help gamers express their best selves on, and off, the rift.

I’m JsMethod

Hey, I’m JsMethod or Jamy. I am currently a full-time League of Legends coach and content creator.

League Career:

I started my League career back in Season 1 at 7 years old! My dad introduced me to the game and we still play together today (14 years later).

I initially played very casually. I got to Gold mostly playing Irelia top. I stayed stuck in Gold for about 8 years! After the Irelia rework, I took a significant break. When I came back, I decided to see what I could achieve if I put my mind to it.

After only a few months, I was able to hit Diamond. About 6 months after that, I was able to hit Masters. And so the Gold to Masters in 1-year story was born.

It took a lot of specific tools to break out of 8 years of bad habits. I had to stick to a much simpler champion pool (first Garen, then Tryndamere, then Annie). I had to play a consistent number of games daily. I had to learn how to review my games.

I believe my experience in low elo helps me in my day-to-day coaching life as I spent years dealing with the same things.

After I hit Masters, I spent a year playing Collegiate League of Legends for a small college in Missouri. I also competed on 2 other amateur teams around that time.

Every year since, I continue to peak higher and higher into masters and grandmasters. In S12, I peaked 300 LP masters, in S13 split 1 I peaked 590 LP grandmasters, and in S13 split 2 I peaked 650 LP grandmasters.

If you want to learn more, watch some of my gameplay or coaching vods on YouTube and Twitch!